Lectures will be held weekly, with the same lecture taught once on a weekday and once during the weekend
Lectures will last 2 hours typically
Jan 22nd through May 25th, 2025
Wednesdays 4pm-6pm PT / 7pm-9pm ET
Saturdays 10am-12pm PT/ 1pm-3pm ET
Apply by December 6th, 2024
to be a 2025 CRANE scholar

Part I: Introduction to Python
Jan 22nd to Feb 16th, 2025
Learn Python basics in preparation for Part II including variables, loops, and functions. Each class will be taught twice.
Part II: Numerical Methods
Feb 19th to March 23rd, 2025
Learn how to build basic physics simulations from scratch, using numerical integration, finite difference methods, etc.
Part III: Supplementary Skills (Optional)
March 26th to April 6th, 2025
Learn practical skills for a scientific workflow including LaTeX, using the Terminal, and Git. This time can also be used as a break for students who would rather have the time off.
Part IV: Advanced Algorithms
April 9th to May 25th, 2025
Advanced topics including signal and image processing, particle-in-cell codes, astronomy data analysis and Monte Carlo simulations will be taught during parallel multi-week seminar sessions
Part I
Introduction to Python
January 22nd to February 16th, 2025
Week 1
Introduction to Python I: Syntax, Variables, and Arrays
Week 2
Introduction to Python II: Loops, Functions, and Plotting
Week 3
Introduction to Python III: Data Analysis and Visualization
Week 4
Review session and mini project
Part II
Numerical Methods
February 19th to March 23rd, 2025
Week 5
Numerical Differentiation and Discretization: Euler's Method
Solve & evolve basic mechanics problems with Euler's method
Week 6
Numerical Differentiation and Discretization: Runge-Kutta Method
Solve & evolve the same mechanical systems as last week with a new method
Week 7
Solving Complex Physics Problems with Built-in Python Solvers
Use Python's Runge-Kutta-based solvers to launch a rocket and evolve a planetary system with Kepler's laws
Week 8
1D Finite Difference Method
Solving Poisson's Equation in 1D: Electrostatics, Diffusion, and Heat Transfer
Week 9
The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Doing Fourier transforms of 1D and 2D data, how to filter signals with FFT spectra
Part III (Optional)
Supplemental Skills
March 26th to April 6th, 2025
LaTeX is a software for preparing nicely formatted documents, typically scientific papers, resumes or presentations. Learn the basics of this extremely useful tool for making extremely nicely formatted papers, typesetting equations and vastly simplifying making bibliographies.
The Terminal is a prompt where commands can be entered to navigate around one's operating system and perform many tasks. Learn basics of Bash, the language of the terminal, and how to feel like a hacker in the movies by remotely logging in to a computer.
Git is a system of managing files and code that allows users to track versions of each file. Learn about managing a coding project with the basic commands of Git.
Part IV
Advanced Algorithms
April 9th to May 25th, 2025
Advanced algorithms will be taught in seminar series of up to 5 weeks, with some tracks running in parallel and some staggered to allow students to participate in multiple tracks.
Monte Carlo (MC) Track
Dates TBD
Exploring randomization through mini-projects to grasp concepts of Monte Carlo
Solving an actual math problem using Monte Carlo
Applying Monte Carlo to neutronics of a barebones nuclear fission reactor
Optional buffer week to help complete unfinished projects from Weeks 1-3
Signal and Image Processing (SIP) Track
Dates TBD
Analysis and Model-Fitting of Langmuir Probe Data
Advanced signal filtering Techniques
Model-fitting for plasma density for Laser Interferometry Data
Tracking a feature across multiple image frames
Magnetohydrodynamics with FLASH
Dates TBD
What is FLASH, how to get it, and how to use it
The Sedov and Sod shock tube problems and how to make simple changes to the FLASH code
The double mach reflection problem and how to create boundary conditions
Magnetic reconnection and how to define parameters
Laser-slab test problem
Particle in Cell (PiC) Track
Dates TBD
Introduction to Julia and Euler's and Boris Push Method to solve Newton's Equations for a charged particle (cyclotron motion)
1D & 2D Finite Difference Method for Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
Particle-in-Cell Algorithm
Putting it all together (Penning Cell, Magnetic Mirror)
Astronomy Data Analysis (ADA) Track
Dates TBD
Basic Queries with Astronomical Data Query Language
Coordinate Transformations Using Astropy
Advanced Plotting using Astronomical Data
Machine Learning
Dates TBD
Linear and Logistic Regression
Gradient Descent
Neural Networks
Machine Learning
Dates TBD
Linear and Logistic Regression
Gradient Descent
Neural Networks